
My name is Beth and I am a lover of vintage books, tea time, and small delights that uplift the spirit and celebrate the comforts of home. There's no place I'd rather be than at home, curled up reading a good book.

Books have always been special to me. I can't even remember learning to read, I just know that my love of good books has been with me from day one. I want to share this love with others by delivering great comfort reads to your homes so that you can enjoy them just as much as I do.

Bookish Delights

The stories themselves bring the intangible delight of transporting the reader to lovely places, but the tangible experience of reading a book is not to be missed. The sensory delights of holding a book in your hands, drinking a warming cup of tea while reading, and enjoying the delightful smell of a candle all enhance the reading experience and that is what I deliver in my Small Home Comforts Book Boxes. The tangible meets the intangible and the reader discovers the pleasure of getting lost in a good book. At Small Home Comforts, we connect people and books through experiences filled with warmth and hospitality.

Our Journey

I started Small Home Comforts as a blog many years ago because the idea of enjoying small delights that brought comfort in the home really spoke to me. Little things like flowers, and reading, and bath mats, and making people feel welcome was what I planned to focus on. Hospitality has always been important to me, as have words and writing, and so I thought writing a blog about home and hospitality, books and comfort would be fun. But I found the writing life to be unsustainable in that season.

With a change of season, and a new focus, I realized what I really wanted was to get books into people's hands and to connect with them, not only by connecting the reader with great books, but also by connecting people themselves so they can discuss what really spoke to them about a particular book. I was tired of the kinds of questions that often come at the ends of books that are chosen for book club discussions. The questions you usually find are less of a celebration of something you loved than they are a dissection of the conflict and guesses as to the motivations of the characters. Rather, I want to hear a quote from the book that really inspired you; I want to hear which character you resonated the most with and why; I want to know your favorite scene, if this story reminds you of any others you've read, and what you thought about the setting. I want to hear how this story fits into your own story.

So now my hope is that Small Home Comforts will be a place to connect readers with comfort books right in their own homes. One of the pleasures of life is to receive a package at your own door, and to know that it's contents bring tangible delights to savor. And that's what our book box is: a quarterly subscription that delivers a delightful reading experience.

I can't wait to get our next box into your hands, and warm your homes and your hearts with it's contents. I can't wait to hear from you so we can chat about the characters and places of enchanting books that have delighted and charmed you. I can't wait to welcome you to Small Home Comforts.